Looking to shed some pounds while increasing bone density, lowering inflammation and pain, and strengthening body and mind? Whole body vibration can help you achieve your goals and Becky Chambers' new book Whole Body Vibration:The Future of Good Health, 2nd edition, will give you the knowledge and inspiration you need. Providing carefully designed vibration machines, and the expertise to use them, WBV expert Becky Chambers has twenty years of experience, knowledge, and expertise to lead you to success.
With the Coronavirus at our door, now more than ever, it is critical to take excellent care of yourself! Whole body vibration invigorates your body and mind, strengthening every part of you, including your immune system and mood! Read Becky’s latest blog post about how WBV can stimulate your immune system and strengthen your health in times of trouble.
Becky Chambers, owner of Vibrant Health and the developer of Vibrant Health vibration machines, is a world expert in whole body vibration, especially using it for total health, not just as an exercise machine. Becky has 20 years of experience using whole body vibration with herself and others, and wrote the best-selling book for the last 6 years on whole body vibration, Whole Body Vibration: The Future of Good Health. Her results and books are your assurance that her machines will provide you with what you need.
Be careful of cheap vibration machines.
All vibration machines are not the same.
Vibrant Health's vibration machines have been carefully designed to provide the highest quality vibration. They deliver just the right type and amount; a smooth and synchronized vibration like the purring of a cat. Other types of vibration can be jarring, unsynchronized, chaotic, or too strong, delivering a garbled message to your brain and body. Vibrant Health's machines have been carefully developed and designed by Becky to help you achieve your highest potential.
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How does whole body vibration really work? Why are anecdotal reports so dramatic? I believe it is because WBV affects us on all levels at the same time: physical, mental, and the spiritual/energetic level. Scientific evidence is lagging on this idea, but the research has not yet been done.... Only recently has research looked at mindfulness and meditation, two mental/spiritual practices which have been practiced for thousands of years... and today these mind/mental energy practices have been proven scientifically to have many benefits for both the mind and body. (See also Becky's latest blog post, "How Does Whole Body Vibration Really Work?")
You don't need to wait to experience the miracle of WBV! Try it for yourself! Take advantage of Becky's knowledge and experience to create the best experience of WBV and decide for yourself - see how you feel - let that be the evidence.
On the mental level WBV is stimulating every neuron in your body to shoot signals into your brain 20-50 times per second - lighting up your brain with a burst of your own natural electrical energy. Many people who use WBV will tell you that almost immediately their mood and energy improves, they feel energized, tingling, more awake and alive. Research has shown that exercise is the most powerful way to help your brain develop and stay healthy... and WBV is known to be exercise on steroids... so what might WBV be doing for your brain?