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Distributor and Affiliate Opportunities
Vibrant Health welcomes your involvement and interest in being a reseller.
If you are interested in being an affiliate, please register for an account using the button below.
If you are interested in being a distributor, please contact Becky at or call 781-879-9857.
Having been using WBV therapy for about five years now at my chiro’s office, I know a little about what it can do for people. Recently I was excited to see that Becky was offering the Power 1000 for sale, and I ordered one. Having used it for almost two weeks now, I can say that it is every bit as effective in performance as the Turbo Sonic I have been using for five years. The Turbo Sonic is handsome, and the control console is incorporated into the tower at the top, but $15,000 verses $899!!! Vibrant Health’s Power 1000 machine is the deal of the century as far as I’m concerned, and it helps me with the various health issues I used to have. Thank-you Becky!
— Fred Shaw – November 29, 2019
After each WBV session I am amazed at the energy I got, energy I haven't had for years. And I found that I could focus on tasks that I had been struggling with. After the first session my energy lasted for a day or two. The morning after the second session I jumped out of bed for the first time in about 20 years, plus my mind was clear and focused. By the fifth session my energy lasted for an entire week. I'm so glad I took Becky's class - I love the way I feel.
— Peg MacNeil
After just six weeks of vibration I am feeling much healthier with greater clarity of mind, a new burst of energy, and better posture. And I am losing weight! I am grateful to have discovered this wonderful Whole Body Vibration system which is helping me is so many ways.
—Teresa Wright
I feel so relaxed after just a few minutes of vibration it feels like I've just had acupuncture, or just gotten out of a hot tub and had a shot of bourbon. My WBV class is Thursday evening; the next day I have more energy than usual – my exhausted and tough Fridays now feel more like a Monday or Tuesday. My sister-in-law also tried the class with me one evening and said she slept better that night than she had in years.
—Mary Beth Little
For the last 5 years I was always exhausted. After one month working with Becky I was feeling better. Now, after six months, I’m like the Energizer Bunny, have lost 30 lbs, and am much stronger than I have ever been.
—Doreen Hadge
I am happier and have more energy now than ever before!
—Vibrant Health Client