(Also called Dual-motor and dual-motion) (NOT Recommended)

Double (or dual)-motor motion is called by numerous different names, often reflecting complicated systems of motion and/or the very forceful nature of this type of machine: triplaner, spiral, circular, three-dimensional, horizontal, triangular, tri-phasic, multidimensional, omniflex, and piston.

The first whole body vibration machines were developed for Olympic athletes. To achieve greater power, and thus a greater workout effect, these machines had two motors in them. Many machines made and sold now continue to use this technology and still have two motors in them. But most of us are not Olympic athletes or football players, and, especially if you are dealing with health issues, your body and mind will need a different approach.

Desynchronization: Additionally, as any engineer can attest, it is impossible to completely synchronize two motors. Two motors can send an unsynchronized message into your body, which can have a desynchronizing effect on your nervous system and energy field and potentially disrupt a healthy state of brain synchronization. I do not recommend this type of machine for anyone.

Brain synchronization is the simultaneous, in-phase firing of brain cells. These combined signals generate electromagnetic brain waves, which can be measured by electroencephalography (EEG) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Brain synchronization has been linked to increases in creativity, memory, learning, problem solving, and intuition, as well as to improvements for depression, anxiety, and ADHD. While people cannot detect the millisecond lack of synchronization on a double motor vibration machine at a conscious level, your nervous system and energy fields are extremely sensitive, and, on a deeper, unconscious level, they will be picking up this discordant effect.

Double (or dual)-motion machines will also include oscillation motion. Dual motion machines have two motors and two motions, often with the option of operating both—at the same time. Don’t do that! As long as only one motor is operating at a time, this is a viable option, though more expensive and not necessary. Oscillation vibration is not more effective in the long run for total health, and it is not as coherent and smooth a signal for the nervous system as single-motor vertical vibration.

Some of the machines listed here are only double motor and not double motion, but I have lumped them all together as they all produce jarring, chaotic, unsynchronized vibrations which for best overall results I most strongly recommend you do not use.

Generally, for the double-motor type of motion, amplitudes range from 3–6 mm, frequencies ranges are 20–50 Hz, and maximum g-forces are 6–15 g. Oscillation motion modes have amplitudes of 1–12 mm, frequencies of 1–20 Hz, and maximum g-forces up to 8 g.

PowerPlate: There are eleven models. PowerPlate makes double motor machines. Cost: ranges from $1,495 to $12,995

DKN: They have four models. Cost: ranges from $2,499 to $4,699

Rumblex - this is a LifePro machine. LifePro makes oscillating machines, but this one also has other types of motion and  motors.

IVibration: There is one model with multiple types of vibration produced concurrently. Cost: $1,695

Tectonic: They have three models, two of which are double motion, and one is oscillation motion only. Cost: ranges from $1,795 to $2,899

TriFlex: This is similar to some Vmax models, running with both types of motion, but is less expensive.

Vmax: There are numerous different models (including Vmax, Pulser, Trio, ProDuo, Elite, Q2, Q5), most of which can run with both types of motion. Cost: ranges from $1,248 to $4,699