Whole Body Vibration, especially combined with homeopathy, a powerful energy medicine, helps you live a life of joy, fun, and love.
This photo of me is the only picture of me in a bathing suit in my entire life that I would consider putting on the internet – and it was taken July 2018 when I was almost 59 years old!
I am now happier, and my life is better, than ever before. I believe whole body vibration and homeopathy made this transformation possible. I tried hard to change for thirty years before I found these methods – with very little success. Since finding them, my life has been a whirlwind of change, resulting in a more fulfilling and exciting life than I ever dreamed was possible for me.
Whole body vibration (WBV) works on the physical level to help you look and feel your best, but it also almost immediately raises serotonin which improves mood and gives you confidence & motivation.
Plus, WBV is a powerful energy treatment – every time you use it. We are a type of liquid crystal (highly organized molecular structures) and all crystals have the ability to turn mechanical vibration into electromagnetic vibration… so every time you vibrate your body turns that vibration into the exact electromagnetic energy you need to balance your energy meridians and get your chakras spinning….

Contact Becky to find out how to get started on your own healing journey!
Call (877) 422-8423 or email Becky@BCVibrantHealth.com