It’s summer time in Chapter 4 of the workbook based on Becky’s memoir Beyond the Great Abyss; and this is the best time to meditate on the beach where the sand you are sitting on, which is basically millions of tiny crystals, will amplify your natural intuitive abilities. Find a quiet time or place, bury your feet in the sand, close your eyes and relax, letting your mind drift. If you have one or two larger crystals to hold in your hands, even better. Can you feel the energy of the crystals pulsing and throbbing through your hands? Focus on this, or on the sound of the waves, the feel of the sun on your warm skin, or your own rhythmic breathing, and see what wisdom your intuition… [Read More]
Archives for July 2011
Workbook Chapter 3: The Pied Piper of Men
In Chapter 3 of Becky’s memoir, Beyond the Great Abyss, Becky, now the Pied Piper of Men (as seen in a vision by her intuitive counselor), meets a new and exciting man… Ricky. She also reads the book Awakening Intuition, by Mona Lisa Shultz, M.D., Ph. D., and realizes that her sometimes disturbing dreams are sending her an intuitive message about why she is compulsively overeating. Intuition is the ability to receive information from the energy around you. One of the easiest ways for most people to begin doing that is through their dreams, as this pathway bypasses the logical left brain, which often blocks this inherent ability in all human beings. (See Workbook Introduction post for how to use this workbook).
Workbook Chapter 2: Pippi Longstocking
As Chapter 2 unfolds, Becky is living alone in her house with her new puppy “Sugar.” Jeanne Mayell, her intuitive counselor, has a vision of Becky as Pippi Longstocking: an orphan living alone with her animals but very strong, independent, lovable, friendly, free-spirited, adventurous and joyful. However, Becky is taking risks in her search for romance…. She is advised to take the homeopathic remedy Tuberculinum, famous for romantic longings combined with impulsive, risky behavior. (See Workbook Introduction for how to use this workbook). Intuition Development Exercise: How do you find the deeper inner wisdom of what is right for you that we all possess? Your feelings are one big clue. But sometimes you are not even sure how you feel. Taking the time to sit quietly and meditate on an… [Read More]
Workbook Chapter 1: Beginnings and Endings
As Chapter 1 begins, Becky is one month from the final moment of divorce/separation from her husband of 23 years. She is “petrified” realizing that her greatest fear in life is “being alone.” She is also finishing a course of treatment with the homeopathic remedy Aurum, famous for long-standing, severe, and intractable depression. (See Workbook Introduction, the previous post, for how to use this workbook). Intuition Development Exercise: What are some of your fears, or your greatest fear? How do you feel about being alone? List 5 or more of your fears, then choose one, meditate for a few minutes on the thought and the feelings that come up, and write about it. Try to do your meditation and writing in… [Read More]
Introducing The Workbook
Beyond the Great Abyss is my story of transformation through natural health and energy medicine. What you see in life and what will be drawn to you and stick to you is what is already in your head. That is your energy, and that is why it is so important to let go of negative energy. It clouds your perception and experience of the world and it becomes a self-perpetuating prophesy of your future. An example of how your state of mind determines your perception is the range of reader reactions to my book. One woman found it so “sad and depressing” that she couldn’t finish it. She was convinced that I was being abused by my boyfriend and that I “just kept letting it happen… [Read More]