I experienced and immediate response to my first one minute Whole Body Vibration session. Following the first, once a week class with Becky, I felt more energetic. Within two days I felt more relaxed than before, handled stress better, and my energy level was growing.
Five days after the first session I experienced a day of super high energy, something I haven’t felt for many years. This was the energy level I had most of my life but that had been gone for several years. Great stamina was back and cleaning chores were enjoyable and easy. I couldn’t believe how dramatically I was responding to the WBV.
After the second class (two minute of WBV), I became aware of my poor posture after this class, suddenly realizing how bent over I had become. I began to straighten up and stand taller. From that day forward I practiced straightening out to my rediscovered height and having better posture every time I was standing or walking.
Most important of all is how my life-long allergy and post-nasal drip problem began to subside. By the third week of class I stopped taking the allergy pill I had been taking every morning for years for year-round allergies. I am so gratefully relieved; nothing else has ever really helped. This is incredible!
Lastly, there is the weight issue. By combining a healthy diet, natural supplements, exercise, and this Whole Body Vibration I lost 9 pounds in one month. Having tried to lose weight many times without success, I am sure the Whole Body Vibration helped to make the difference. My scale has blessed me with a number I haven’t seen in years.
In summary, I am feeling much healthier, with greater clarity of mind, a new burst of energy, better posture, weight loss, and life-long allergies under control for the first time. I am grateful to have discovered this wonderful Whole Body Vibration technique which has helped me is so many ways.
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