Beyond the Great Abyss is my story of transformation through natural health and energy medicine. What you see in life and what will be drawn to you and stick to you is what is already in your head. That is your energy, and that is why it is so important to let go of negative energy. It clouds your perception and experience of the world and it becomes a self-perpetuating prophesy of your future.
An example of how your state of mind determines your perception is the range of reader reactions to my book. One woman found it so “sad and depressing” that she couldn’t finish it. She was convinced that I was being abused by my boyfriend and that I “just kept letting it happen over and over.” Another woman was upset and complained, “You are abusing these guys!” The next two people to read it, in balanced and less emotionally attached readings, thought it was laugh-out-loud hilarious while still seeing the disturbing aspects.
To help readers apply the ideas in my book for their own journey I have created a workbook. Chapters in this workbook will correspond to those in the original book and will be posted here one chapter per week. There will be four main areas in each chapter:
- A short recap of events and ideas in the corresponding BTGA book chapter and how they might apply to your life.
- An Intuition Development Exercise.
- A spotlighted “Homeopathic of the Week”(energy medicine) describing the mental and physical characteristics associated with needing that remedy. Which remedy might you need? When looking at the descriptions, remember that the mental state is the most important part and you must have at least one of these, as well as usually at least one of the physical signs (though I will only cover the most common possibilities). (See also the Homeopathy Appendix posted on this blog).
- A Natural Health Tip
I suggest keeping a journal of your experiences to keep your work organized and for reflection later. Perhaps find a friend to join you on this journey. Together you can help each other, sharing ideas, maybe even a Body Vibe machine, and gaining wisdom and strength from each other. Good luck on your new adventure of self-knowledge, enlightenment and growth. Enjoy!
“An unexamined life is not worth living.” Socrates
Caution: It is safe to experiment with the low potency homeopathic remedies you can find in retail stores. If you choose the correct remedy, it may help you with physical symptoms but low potencies remedies will be unlikely to affect any long-term changes in your emotional and/or psychological state. For the deeper changes possible with higher potency remedies, you should consult with an experienced professional homeopath. I am available for coaching and homeopathic consultations, either by phone or in person.
Disclaimer: The author of this workbook is not a physician and the ideas, procedures and suggestions in this book are not intended as a substitute for the medical advice of a professional health care provider. The therapeutic procedures in this workbook are based on the training, personal experiences, and research of the author. Consult your physician before adopting the suggestions in this workbook, as well as about any condition that may require diagnosis or medical attention.
Great post. Just what I needed to read exactly at the perfect moment. Thank you for the inspiration! Peace. Love. Zenfully Happy.
Thanks Allison. All is perfect in a perfect world… glad I could help. By the way, did you see that Chapter 1 of The Workbook is posted just below the Intro… (I’m not sure that is clear for readers).