Trouble: What Can I Do? Last month, Laurin, a mother of two, called to ask me if vibration could help her son Michael with his allergies. She told me that he had developed allergies as a small child and that over the years they had tried all kinds of over-the-counter drugs, prescription medications, and natural products without significant relief. Now he is a senior in high school, and for the last three years his allergies have been worse; for three years his nose has been so stuffed up that he’s been breathing through his mouth. Laurin was worried how Michael would cope at college next year. There are, in fact, many effects of Whole Body Vibration which can help to… [Read More]
Archives for November 2014
Chronic Headaches & Sinus Congestion
Peter called me in December 2013 wanting to get started with Whole Body Vibration. He had been hearing about its many anti-aging and empowering benefits, such as brain and neurological stimulation, increased bone density, human growth hormone, testosterone, and serotonin levels, and lowered pain and inflammation, all wrapped up in a quick, effective workout. He said he was 63 years old and in good health with no problems, and he wanted to stay that way as long as possible! I sent him a vibration machine and he got started, but just days later he emailed me to say that it wasn’t working out very well – he was feeling worse instead of better! Peter turned out to have had chronic… [Read More]