Cats purr, which creates a vibration that travels through their entire body, and they do this when they are happy but also when they are sick or stressed. Cats also rarely suffer bone or joint related issues, or even bone cancers, in fact they generally have strong bones and joint health, and an amazing ability to heal injured bones, muscles, tendons, ligaments and joints. Is purring the root of the myth that cats have nine lives…?
Research has shown that Whole Body Vibration triggers increased bone density, muscle and tendon strength, along with many other health benefits including lowered inflammation and pain, and increased circulation and beneficial hormone levels such as Human Growth Hormone, our major healing and repair hormone.
Meanwhile veterinary research has shown
Cats do often live through and heal from things that would kill other more ordinary beings. Researchers who looked at the records of 132 cat falls from an average height of 5½ stories, found that 90% had survived. The record height for a cat falling and surviving is 45 stories! For more on purring cats click here