Get Moving Again With WBV Plus Coaching/Counseling with Becky Chambers Have you been stuck at home, inactive and eating too much? It’s a downward slide. Lack of exercise, poor eating, and mood issues can combine to cause mental and physical health issues. Whole Body Vibration and Counseling/Coaching with Becky Chambers, WBV expert, naturopath, and homeopath, can help. WBV plus Counseling/Coaching Packages with Becky Chamber will give you the individualized help that will get you moving again. See WBV plus Coaching/counseling = Success for what’s included and how these packages can help you. WBV is a cornerstone of health – it is good for everything from increasing energy, strength and weight loss, to boosting your energy level, immune system and mental… [Read More]
Get Moving Again: Pat & Dan’s Story
Last year Pat emailed me asking for help – she and her husband Dan wanted to get back on track with their health: Dan is taking too many prescriptions! He would like to get off as many as possible. A Marine, he ran 18 marathons and climbed 20 something 14’ers over his lifetime, plus Mt. Kilimanjaro. Up until last October, he was walking 3-4 miles per day until he tore his meniscus. He had a knee replacement 4 months ago and is disappointed that he is not doing better, although he has done all the PT. He has arthritis and stenosis of his lower spine. I just reversed osteoporosis to osteopenia, and would like to keep it that way, or… [Read More]
Balance Aids
Power 1000 with Balance Handle Are you worried about losing your balance? Or do you want to add more difficult exercises and stretches to your Vibrant Heath Power 1000 whole body vibration routine that really challenge you? Vibrant Health has a new optional Balance Handle ($100) that you can add to your Vibrant Health Power 1000 plate. Sturdy and strong, this tower and handle is designed especially for you! The height is 36-39 inches (bottom of handle to top of handle) above the plate, a comfortable height for holding onto, and the post is securely attached to the plate. Another options is to put your vibration machine next to some other rock solid item, such as a treadmill… [Read More]
Vibrant Health WBV Survey Results
Vibrant Health has just completed a survey of users of our most popular machine, the Vibrant Health Power 1000. The results are in and they are awesome! If there was a drug that gave these results, with NO SIDE EFFECTS, doctors everywhere would tell their patients to use it! And for most of the benefits all you have to do is stand on the plate 5-10 minutes a day. 2019 SURVEY RESULTS : Results below are average survey results. Some people saw complete turn arounds, other people smaller changes. Vibrant Health always recommends counseling with Becky – includes individualized WBV, nutrition, and homeopathy (energy medicine) plan – but especially when WBV is not giving you the results you want. Strength: Up 25%,… [Read More]
Animals and Vibration
In the winter of 2015 my darling eight-year-old goldendoodle, Maple Sugar, nearly died of bacterial meningitis, a rare but potentially fatal brain infection. Her life was saved with the help of steroids and antibiotics, but she was left with significant brain damage and poor health. She had lost her sense of balance which left her nauseous and falling down as the world spun around her. She lost ten pounds the first week, about a fifth of her body weight, when she was so sick she could not eat or drink, then I had to feed her with a syringe for several more weeks. Her energy was low, her fur began falling out in clumps, and she was suddenly prone… [Read More]
Can “purring” bring you health & happiness?
Cats purr, which creates a vibration that travels through their entire body, and they do this when they are happy but also when they are sick or stressed. Cats also rarely suffer bone or joint related issues, or even bone cancers, in fact they generally have strong bones and joint health, and an amazing ability to heal injured bones, muscles, tendons, ligaments and joints. Is purring the root of the myth that cats have nine lives…? Research has shown that Whole Body Vibration triggers increased bone density, muscle and tendon strength, along with many other health benefits including lowered inflammation and pain, and increased circulation and beneficial hormone levels such as Human Growth Hormone, our major healing and repair hormone…. [Read More]
Get Moving and Enjoy Your Life !
Nancy P. had to stop exercising because of chronic lower back pain. She was also feeling drained and stressed, with low energy, incontinence, and moodiness. She had tried many natural approaches as well as western medicine but with little effect. Two weeks after starting her Whole Body Vibration (WBV) program with me, along with a low-carb diet and a few natural supplements, she was thrilled to find her back pain much better, enough so that she could start walking again after months of inactivity. In addition, her energy level had increased, her bladder problem was better, and her mood great. Whole Body Vibration stimulates every system in your body and has many health promoting effects that help to support the… [Read More]
Side-Lined by Nerve Pain
Dick After the 2012 Boston Marathon When I met Dick in 2007, he was a long-time runner who had been forced to give up running entirely since 2000 due to the severe pain and lack of function in both feet. In his 30 years of running before this life-altering situation side-lined him, he had completed 30 marathons. Totaling up all his miles, he liked to tell you that he had run around the world. Dick had been to numerous doctors and neurological specialist who had tried drugs and surgery with no improvement. In fact, he sometimes ended up worse. The final diagnosis was incurable nerve degeneration due to unknown causes, likely to worsen as he got older. At his first… [Read More]
Physical Therapy and Whole Body Vibration
WBV is increasingly being used for physical therapy: Sports franchises and top athletes use WBV for athletic training but also because the athletes heal faster from injuries, and are less likely to be injured in the first place as their joints are stronger. Top physical therapy centers use WBV in addition to other modalities. Vibrant Health has seen many dramatic and rapid improvements using WBV with clients with a wide range of joint and movement issues including arthritis, bursitis, tendonitis, pulled and strained muscles, weakness, range of motion, flexibility, and other issues. See Vibrant Health’s website for testimonials. Why Whole Body Vibration is effective physical therapy Research has shown that Human Growth Hormone (HGH) levels increase with WBV up to 150%. HGH levels typically fall with age and it is your major anti-aging, regeneration,… [Read More]