Serotonin, a important feel-good neurotransmitter in your brain, and the same neurotransmitter that antidepressant drugs target, has been shown in rats to increase with WBV (Ariizumi, 1983). Anecdotal evidence of increased serotonin levels with WBV is strong. Hundreds of my clients, and thousands of users around the world, report rapid and dramatic improvements in mood, energy, and sleep within days of beginning vibration. They also report increased motivation, focus, and activity levels - all things that are related to serotonin levels, depression and anxiety.
What are your thoughts, questions, experiences?
Ariizumi M, and A. Okada, “Effect of Whole Body Vibration on the Rat Brain
Content of Serotonin and Plasma Corticosterone,” European Journal of Applied
Physiology and Occupational Physiology 52, no. 1 (1983): 15–9, doi:10.1007/