In the winter of 2015 my darling eight-year-old goldendoodle, Maple Sugar, nearly died of bacterial meningitis, a rare but potentially fatal brain infection. Her life was saved with the help of steroids and antibiotics, but she was left with significant brain damage and poor health. She had lost her sense of balance which left her nauseous and falling down as the world spun around her. She lost ten pounds the first week, about a fifth of her body weight, when she was so sick she could not eat or drink, then I had to feed her with a syringe for several more weeks. Her energy was low, her fur began falling out in clumps, and she was suddenly prone… [Read More]
Can “purring” bring you health & happiness?
Cats purr, which creates a vibration that travels through their entire body, and they do this when they are happy but also when they are sick or stressed. Cats also rarely suffer bone or joint related issues, or even bone cancers, in fact they generally have strong bones and joint health, and an amazing ability to heal injured bones, muscles, tendons, ligaments and joints. Is purring the root of the myth that cats have nine lives…? Research has shown that Whole Body Vibration triggers increased bone density, muscle and tendon strength, along with many other health benefits including lowered inflammation and pain, and increased circulation and beneficial hormone levels such as Human Growth Hormone, our major healing and repair hormone…. [Read More]