Physiological changes seen with WBV that increase energy levels: WBV has been show to increase testosterone levels which is linked in both men and women to their energy level, mood and libido, as well as sexual performance in men. As men get older their testosterone level gradually declines — typically about 1 percent a year after age 30. Women have testosterone levels about 10% of men’s to begin with and their testosterone levels drop rapidly at menopause. WBV increases circulation bringing additional oxygen and nutrients to all cells providing the fuel for cellular metabolism, which creates energy. WBV raises serotonin – a major antidepressant effect which can dramatically affect energy levels (see blog post Powerful Antidepressant). Increased muscle strength (see blog post Muscle Strength). Vibrational energy (chi) is unblocked and balanced: A different energy, your vibrational energy field, is… [Read More]