In 2008, according to the medical professionals, I needed both shoulders replaced. I was in a great deal of pain for years and was unable to raise my arms to reach anything above my head due to the pain and joint limitations. I had to modify all my exercise and drop cross-country skiing, mountain climbing and yoga because of the pain and limited use of my shoulders and upper body. Depression from this limiting situation had me crying many days as exercise and wellness had always been a huge part of my life. The pain was intense, 24 hours a day.
I believe the vibration machine, in combination with eating well and an exercise program of rebounding, walking and doing the elliptical 4-5 times a week, has been a huge factor in lessening the 24 hour pain I had in both my shoulders. The shoulders still need replacing, but, because the pain is not bothering me, I can postpone the medical procedure that I do not feel is right for me at this time.
I thoroughly enjoy the benefits of the vibration machine and slowly worked my way into a routine that I feel has increase blood flow and overall circulation to all body parts. The ability to provide a wonderful core and resistance workout for myself thru the Whole Body Vibration machine is a definite plus to my entire well-being, mentally and physically.

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