Whole body vibration (WBV) has many physical benefits proven by years of rigorous scientific research (see the Home page of my website, and my book Whole Body Vibration: The Future of Good Health). WBV is well accepted as an intense workout, and everybody knows that exercise is extremely good for you… but still, why are the anecdotal reports are so dramatic? Why do people report joint pain decreasing significantly and sometimes even completely, with just a few minutes of WBV? Why do problems that have dogged people for decades sometimes despite all sorts of other therapies, suddenly improve, even disappear? I believe it is because whole body vibration affects us on all levels at the same time: physically, mentally, and… [Read More]
Dating and Vibration
(as seen in Eden Magazine, July 2017) Could whole body vibration improve your love life? Sounds like a pick-up line . . . but maybe so. Attraction is a combination of many factors: physical appeal, emotional openness, and sexual energy, to name a few. And whole body vibration (WBV), a revolutionary exercise and therapy system, effects all of those areas through a variety of mechanisms. WBV is an intense workout, which we all know is good for both our health and our looks. Ten minutes of exercising on a powerful WBV platform gives you the benefits of one hour of conventional weight lifting. This intense workout effect is hard to believe until you try a session yourself—then you understand as… [Read More]
Animals and Vibration
In the winter of 2015 my darling eight-year-old goldendoodle, Maple Sugar, nearly died of bacterial meningitis, a rare but potentially fatal brain infection. Her life was saved with the help of steroids and antibiotics, but she was left with significant brain damage and poor health. She had lost her sense of balance which left her nauseous and falling down as the world spun around her. She lost ten pounds the first week, about a fifth of her body weight, when she was so sick she could not eat or drink, then I had to feed her with a syringe for several more weeks. Her energy was low, her fur began falling out in clumps, and she was suddenly prone… [Read More]
Can Whole Body Vibration Increase Income?
As published in Eden Magazine August 1, 2017, page 62 What if you could light up your brain – become more creative, productive, focused, motivated? Suddenly write that proposal, brief, or marketing idea, and do it brilliantly! Come up with new creative solutions to the problems stymieing your business, and implement them with incisive verve! If there was a way to instantly wake up your brain to its nearly unlimited potential… you would leap on it…. So jump on a whole body vibration (WBV) machine and wake up that sleepy brain! When you are standing on the vibrating plate of a WBV machine, every neuron in your body will automatically shoot signals through your body and into your brain at… [Read More]
Oh No . . . I’m Gaining Weight!
As published in Eden Magazine, July 1, 2017 Do you worry about your weight? Does gaining five pounds ruin your day? Send you into a tailspin of frustration, panic, and despair? Join the crowd—most of America is obsessed with their weight, and still gaining despite vast quantities of angst, time, and money thrown at the elusive perfect body. Whole Body Vibration to the rescue! Whole Body Vibration (WBV) is particularly useful for weight loss because in addition to being an intense exercise system, it is also therapy for the mind and spirit. WBV is best know though for its incredible workout effect. In face, it was originally developed for Olympic athletes in Russia about fifty years ago and is… [Read More]
Whole Body Vibration Might End Loneliness
As published in Eden Magazine May 1, 2017 I’m alone . . . but not lonely, well maybe a little lonely. I’m traveling, on tour with my business for six months through areas of the country where I know no one, and my mother passed away one month into this trip. It is a scenario that once would have devastated me with loneliness. Now, it is manageable; I make friends much more easily and I have friends in other places I can talk to, and I have work I love that keeps me busy and connected. Loneliness was an unwelcome companion most of my life. My earliest memories are of not feeling a part of the… [Read More]
Losing Your Mother
On February 15, 2017 my mother passed away. I have been dealing with the grief and trauma of that major life event throughout February and March. This article was published in the April edition of Eden Magazine. Devastating, overwhelming grief… my brain blasted so fiercely that it stops functioning. I cannot think, remember, focus, concentrate. My self-confidence drops away, and I am suddenly a young child again, needy and unsure, desperately wanting my mother. I do the dumbest things, like getting lost driving home, a route I have driven a thousand times. I can’t find my toothpaste, along with a million other things, and I burst into tears because this confirms my fear that I am unfit to take care… [Read More]
Can “purring” bring you health & happiness?
Cats purr, which creates a vibration that travels through their entire body, and they do this when they are happy but also when they are sick or stressed. Cats also rarely suffer bone or joint related issues, or even bone cancers, in fact they generally have strong bones and joint health, and an amazing ability to heal injured bones, muscles, tendons, ligaments and joints. Is purring the root of the myth that cats have nine lives…? Research has shown that Whole Body Vibration triggers increased bone density, muscle and tendon strength, along with many other health benefits including lowered inflammation and pain, and increased circulation and beneficial hormone levels such as Human Growth Hormone, our major healing and repair hormone…. [Read More]
On to California
USA Tour 2017 – Westward Ho! There were several wonderful events on the east coast – here we are having fun with vibration at Books & Books in Miami. She’s saying “Ahhh, I LOVE IT!” Now I’m back on the road, heading out to California for my fourth event: The Conscious Life Expo in Los Angeles, February 10-13: A jam-packed 4 day feast of people, ideas & products for the mind and body, and to deepen your connection to spirit. Becky’s free talk is Sat. 9am I’m taking a southern route through Texas, staying warm and getting to see my cousins with their new baby in Austin, TX 🙂 Travel tip – bring a spray bottle of… [Read More]