How whole body vibration (WBV) helps you lose weight: WBV is an intense workout (see earlier post Increase Explosive Muscle Strength, April 4, 2012) and like any workout this will increase your metabolic rate so you burn more calories and lose weight more easily – but the time required to achieve the same results is much less. Ten minutes of WBV = one hour of conventional weight training. WBV raises serotonin levels in your brain, a powerful antidepressant effect (see post Powerful Antidepressant! April 12, 2012). With your mental state happier and calmer it is much easier for you to eat properly and exercise. Everybody knows what they should do to lose weight, the problem is actually doing it. WBV helps you be in that calm and relaxed, but energized mental state where you can achieve your goals…. [Read More]