Whole Body Vibration (WBV) is a natural, safe, rapid, non-addictive and legal way to increase serotonin levels: What is serotonin? A critical neurotransmitter in your brain that makes you calm and happy and helps you to sleep. This is the same neurotransmitter that prescription antidepressant drugs effect, as well as illegal drugs such as Ecstasy. Research studies measuring increased serotonin levels have only been done in animals because brain tissue samples must be taken. Anecdotal evidence for humans is very strong. Hundreds of my clients report very rapid and dramatic improvements in mood, energy, and sleep within days of beginning regular vibration sessions. Thousands more report immediate mood improvement (as well as pain reduction which will be covered in a future blog post) after free demos at health shows where I exhibit Body Vibes. How to get the best… [Read More]