How whole body vibration (WBV) helps you lose weight: WBV is an intense workout (see earlier post Increase Explosive Muscle Strength, April 4, 2012) and like any workout this will increase your metabolic rate so you burn more calories and lose weight more easily – but the time required to achieve the same results is much less. Ten minutes of WBV = one hour of conventional weight training. WBV raises serotonin levels in your brain, a powerful antidepressant effect (see post Powerful Antidepressant! April 12, 2012). With your mental state happier and calmer it is much easier for you to eat properly and exercise. Everybody knows what they should do to lose weight, the problem is actually doing it. WBV helps you be in that calm and relaxed, but energized mental state where you can achieve your goals…. [Read More]
Archives for April 2012
Increase Explosive Muscle Strength
The workout of champions: Whole body vibration (WBV) was originally developed for Olympic athletes in Russia in the 1970’s. Numerous research studies have shown that on a powerful vibration machine 10 minutes of whole body vibration = 1 hour of conventional weight training in terms of increasing explosive muscle strength, bone density, metobolic rate (weight loss), flexibility, balance and coordination. Now used by most professional sports teams and elite competitors around the world. For examples check the “Whole Body Vibration Users” section of Vibrant Health’s WBV page. Almost anybody can use WBV. It is very easy to adapt workouts to any level, in fact if you just stand on the machine, which feels like a massage, you will still be getting stronger. How WBV rapidly increases explosive muscle strength: WBV is an intensive workout. Vibration… [Read More]
Powerful Antidepressant!
Whole Body Vibration (WBV) is a natural, safe, rapid, non-addictive and legal way to increase serotonin levels: What is serotonin? A critical neurotransmitter in your brain that makes you calm and happy and helps you to sleep. This is the same neurotransmitter that prescription antidepressant drugs effect, as well as illegal drugs such as Ecstasy. Research studies measuring increased serotonin levels have only been done in animals because brain tissue samples must be taken. Anecdotal evidence for humans is very strong. Hundreds of my clients report very rapid and dramatic improvements in mood, energy, and sleep within days of beginning regular vibration sessions. Thousands more report immediate mood improvement (as well as pain reduction which will be covered in a future blog post) after free demos at health shows where I exhibit Body Vibes. How to get the best… [Read More]
Increasing Bone Density
Whole body vibration has been proven in numerous research studies to increase bone density: Studies on mice, sheep and turkeys have shown dramatic results increasing bone density up to 30% from 6 months of daily vibration (with simultaneous corresponding decreases in fat). Studies with people have shown slower but steady rates of bone density increases. A likely reason for this difference in results is that the animals are usually young and healthy (able to respond and heal faster) and eating controlled diets with all the proper nutrients and minerals included. Human studies focus on older people where there is a high incidence of osteoporosis or osteopenia, and people often do not eat optimum diets. How vibration works to increase bone density: It is the contraction of muscle fibers where they attach to bone… [Read More]