Get Moving Again With WBV Plus Coaching/Counseling with Becky Chambers Have you been stuck at home, inactive and eating too much? It’s a downward slide. Lack of exercise, poor eating, and mood issues can combine to cause mental and physical health issues. Whole Body Vibration and Counseling/Coaching with Becky Chambers, WBV expert, naturopath, and homeopath, can help. WBV plus Counseling/Coaching Packages with Becky Chamber will give you the individualized help that will get you moving again. See WBV plus Coaching/counseling = Success for what’s included and how these packages can help you. WBV is a cornerstone of health – it is good for everything from increasing energy, strength and weight loss, to boosting your energy level, immune system and mental… [Read More]
Get Moving Again: Pat & Dan’s Story
Last year Pat emailed me asking for help – she and her husband Dan wanted to get back on track with their health: Dan is taking too many prescriptions! He would like to get off as many as possible. A Marine, he ran 18 marathons and climbed 20 something 14’ers over his lifetime, plus Mt. Kilimanjaro. Up until last October, he was walking 3-4 miles per day until he tore his meniscus. He had a knee replacement 4 months ago and is disappointed that he is not doing better, although he has done all the PT. He has arthritis and stenosis of his lower spine. I just reversed osteoporosis to osteopenia, and would like to keep it that way, or… [Read More]
Vibrant Health WBV Survey Results
Vibrant Health has just completed a survey of users of our most popular machine, the Vibrant Health Power 1000. The results are in and they are awesome! If there was a drug that gave these results, with NO SIDE EFFECTS, doctors everywhere would tell their patients to use it! And for most of the benefits all you have to do is stand on the plate 5-10 minutes a day. 2019 SURVEY RESULTS : Results below are average survey results. Some people saw complete turn arounds, other people smaller changes. Vibrant Health always recommends counseling with Becky – includes individualized WBV, nutrition, and homeopathy (energy medicine) plan – but especially when WBV is not giving you the results you want. Strength: Up 25%,… [Read More]
Best year ever…
Whole Body Vibration, especially combined with homeopathy, a powerful energy medicine, helps you live a life of joy, fun, and love. This photo of me is the only picture of me in a bathing suit in my entire life that I would consider putting on the internet – and it was taken July 2018 when I was almost 59 years old! I am now happier, and my life is better, than ever before. I believe whole body vibration and homeopathy made this transformation possible. I tried hard to change for thirty years before I found these methods – with very little success. Since finding them, my life has been a whirlwind of change, resulting in a more fulfilling and exciting life… [Read More]
How Does Whole Body Vibration Really Work?
Whole body vibration (WBV) has many physical benefits proven by years of rigorous scientific research (see the Home page of my website, and my book Whole Body Vibration: The Future of Good Health). WBV is well accepted as an intense workout, and everybody knows that exercise is extremely good for you… but still, why are the anecdotal reports are so dramatic? Why do people report joint pain decreasing significantly and sometimes even completely, with just a few minutes of WBV? Why do problems that have dogged people for decades sometimes despite all sorts of other therapies, suddenly improve, even disappear? I believe it is because whole body vibration affects us on all levels at the same time: physically, mentally, and… [Read More]
Oh No . . . I’m Gaining Weight!
As published in Eden Magazine, July 1, 2017 Do you worry about your weight? Does gaining five pounds ruin your day? Send you into a tailspin of frustration, panic, and despair? Join the crowd—most of America is obsessed with their weight, and still gaining despite vast quantities of angst, time, and money thrown at the elusive perfect body. Whole Body Vibration to the rescue! Whole Body Vibration (WBV) is particularly useful for weight loss because in addition to being an intense exercise system, it is also therapy for the mind and spirit. WBV is best know though for its incredible workout effect. In face, it was originally developed for Olympic athletes in Russia about fifty years ago and is… [Read More]
Whole Body Vibration Might End Loneliness
As published in Eden Magazine May 1, 2017 I’m alone . . . but not lonely, well maybe a little lonely. I’m traveling, on tour with my business for six months through areas of the country where I know no one, and my mother passed away one month into this trip. It is a scenario that once would have devastated me with loneliness. Now, it is manageable; I make friends much more easily and I have friends in other places I can talk to, and I have work I love that keeps me busy and connected. Loneliness was an unwelcome companion most of my life. My earliest memories are of not feeling a part of the… [Read More]
Losing Your Mother
On February 15, 2017 my mother passed away. I have been dealing with the grief and trauma of that major life event throughout February and March. This article was published in the April edition of Eden Magazine. Devastating, overwhelming grief… my brain blasted so fiercely that it stops functioning. I cannot think, remember, focus, concentrate. My self-confidence drops away, and I am suddenly a young child again, needy and unsure, desperately wanting my mother. I do the dumbest things, like getting lost driving home, a route I have driven a thousand times. I can’t find my toothpaste, along with a million other things, and I burst into tears because this confirms my fear that I am unfit to take care… [Read More]
Chronic Headaches & Sinus Congestion
Peter called me in December 2013 wanting to get started with Whole Body Vibration. He had been hearing about its many anti-aging and empowering benefits, such as brain and neurological stimulation, increased bone density, human growth hormone, testosterone, and serotonin levels, and lowered pain and inflammation, all wrapped up in a quick, effective workout. He said he was 63 years old and in good health with no problems, and he wanted to stay that way as long as possible! I sent him a vibration machine and he got started, but just days later he emailed me to say that it wasn’t working out very well – he was feeling worse instead of better! Peter turned out to have had chronic… [Read More]
Introducing The Workbook
Beyond the Great Abyss is my story of transformation through natural health and energy medicine. What you see in life and what will be drawn to you and stick to you is what is already in your head. That is your energy, and that is why it is so important to let go of negative energy. It clouds your perception and experience of the world and it becomes a self-perpetuating prophesy of your future. An example of how your state of mind determines your perception is the range of reader reactions to my book. One woman found it so “sad and depressing” that she couldn’t finish it. She was convinced that I was being abused by my boyfriend and that I “just kept letting it happen… [Read More]