To achieve vibrant health for yourself, to raise your vibrations and reach your highest potential, you need high quality whole body vibration (WBV). Be careful of cheap vibration machines. All vibration machines are not the same.
Vibrant Health’s vibration machines have been carefully designed to provide the highest quality vibration. They deliver just the right type and amount; a smooth and synchronized vibration like the purring of a cat. Other types of vibration can be jarring, unsynchronized, chaotic, or too strong, delivering a garbled message to your brain and body. Vibrant Health’s machines have been carefully developed and designed to help you achieve your highest potential.
How does whole body vibration really work? Why are anecdotal reports so dramatic? I believe it is because WBV affects us on all levels at the same time: physical, mental, and the spiritual/energetic level. Scientific evidence is lagging on this idea, but the research has not yet been done…. Only recently has research looked at mindfulness and meditation, two mental/spiritual practices which have been practiced for thousands of years… and today these mind/mental energy practices have been proven scientifically to have many benefits for both the mind and body. (See also Becky’s latest blog post, “How Does Whole Body Vibration Really Work?”)
You don’t need to wait to experience the miracle of WBV! Try it for yourself! Take advantage of Becky’s knowledge and experience to create the best experience of WBV and decide for yourself – see how you feel – let that be the evidence.
All Vibrant Health vibration machines were developed by one of the country’s foremost experts in vibration, Becky Chambers. Becky has been using WBV herself and with her clients for almost 20 years. She is also the author of the best-selling book on this revolutionary exercise system, Whole Body Vibration:The Future of Good Health, and Homeopathy Plus Whole Body Vibration: Combining Two Energy Medicines Ignites Healing. Her books are available on Amazon, at Barnes & Noble, and other fine bookstores.
On the physical level, when exercising on a vibrating plate hundreds of studies have shown that you can get an intense workout in a very short amount of time. We all need exercise, and with our busy and often sedentary lifestyles it can be hard to fit it in – just on this level whole body vibration is a dream come true!
Research has shown that 10 minutes = the benefits of one hour of conventional weight lifting. It seems too good to be true, but think of a jack hammer operator and the arm and shoulder muscle they develop! Whole body vibration (WBV) can be very hard work. Originally developed for Olympic athletes, professional athletes worldwide are now using WBV. Sports clubs and trainers recommend it as a must!
You can also just stand or sit on the plate and still get benefits. Either way, the vibrating plate will send vibration throughout your body, automatically causing all your muscle fibers to tense and relax.
On the mental level WBV is stimulating every neuron in your body to shoot signals into your brain 20-50 times per second – lighting up your brain with a burst of your own natural electrical energy. We need more research into the effects of WBV on your brain, but vast numbers of people who use WBV will tell you that almost immediately they feel energized, tingling, more awake and alive. Research has shown that exercise is the most powerful way to help your brain develop and stay healthy1… and WBV is known to be exercise on steroids… so what might WBV be doing for your brain?
Scientific research has shown many benefits from Whole Body Vibration:
• Circulation increases bringing nutrients and oxygen to all cells while removing toxins.
• Skin glows and tightens with increased circulation and other benefits (see below).
• Energy booster: chi energy rises, chakra and meridian blockages open.
• Promotes healthy bone density—a safe and natural approach to healthy bones.
• Promotes weight loss
• Muscle strength and tone increases
• Rapidly lowers pain and supports a healthy inflammation response—great physical therapy for joints.
• Improves coordination, flexibility, and balance.
• Helps normalizes serotonin levels in the brain—serotonin is linked with mood and sleep.
• Helps normalize testosterone levels—the major hormone controlling sexual libido for both men and women.
• helps normalize human growth hormone (HGH)—your major anti-aging and rejuvenation hormone.
Personal Guidance/Coaching sessions and Natural Health Consultations
Natural Health Practitioner Becky Chambers is available for personal Whole Body Vibration consultations and coaching to help you achieve the best results with this powerful new technology. Becky will work with you to design a personalized program, addressing your particular challenges and incorporating a variety of natural health approaches including Whole Body Vibration, nutrition, homeopathy and nutritional supplements. Email becky@bcvibranthealth or call 781-860-0680 for an appointment.
1. Gretchen Reynolds, “Jogging Your Brain,” New York Times magazine, April 2012, 46
Disclaimer: Information on this website is for educational purposes only and is not meant to substitute for medical care. No one was paid to give a testimonial, and of course results may vary.
After each WBV session I am amazed at the energy I got, energy I haven’t had for years. And I found that I could focus on tasks that I had been struggling with. After the first session my energy lasted for a day or two. The morning after the second session I jumped out of bed for the first time in about 20 years, plus my mind was clear and focused. By the fifth session my energy lasted for an entire week. I’m so glad I took Becky’s class – I love the way I feel.
After just six weeks of vibration I am feeling much healthier with greater clarity of mind, a new burst of energy, and better posture. And I am losing weight! I am grateful to have discovered this wonderful Whole Body Vibration system which is helping me is so many ways.
—Teresa Wright
I feel so relaxed after just a few minutes of vibration it feels like I’ve just had acupuncture, or just gotten out of a hot tub and had a shot of bourbon. My WBV class is Thursday evening; the next day I have more energy than usual – my exhausted and tough Fridays now feel more like a Monday or Tuesday. My sister-in-law also tried the class with me one evening and said she slept better that night than she had in years.
—Mary Beth Little
“I am happier and have more energy now than ever before!”