Nancy P. had to stop exercising because of chronic lower back pain. She was also feeling drained and stressed, with low energy, incontinence, and moodiness. She had tried many natural approaches as well as western medicine but with little effect. Two weeks after starting her Whole Body Vibration (WBV) program with me, along with a low-carb diet and a few natural supplements, she was thrilled to find her back pain much better, enough so that she could start walking again after months of inactivity. In addition, her energy level had increased, her bladder problem was better, and her mood great. Whole Body Vibration stimulates every system in your body and has many health promoting effects that help to support the… [Read More]
Whole Body Vibration: How to Get the Best Results
Whole Body Vibration (WBV) is exploding in popularity worldwide with millions of people using it and enjoying the many benefits of this intensive body, mind, and spirit exercise system. Developed in Russia forty years ago for their astronauts and athletes, it is now used by NASA, athletes, and people from all walks of life around the world. Google “Whole Body Vibration” today, and you will get millions of hits filled with enthusiastic claims about weight loss, bone density, personal energy, elevated moods, pain management, inflammation reduction, anti-aging, and increased sexual libido and performance. Anybody who’s ever tried working out on a vibrating plate can tell you that exercising while vibrating is hard work. Think of the shoulder muscles of guys… [Read More]
Losing Weight with Whole Body Vibration
How whole body vibration (WBV) helps you lose weight: WBV is an intense workout (see earlier post Increase Explosive Muscle Strength, April 4, 2012) and like any workout this will increase your metabolic rate so you burn more calories and lose weight more easily – but the time required to achieve the same results is much less. Ten minutes of WBV = one hour of conventional weight training. WBV raises serotonin levels in your brain, a powerful antidepressant effect (see post Powerful Antidepressant! April 12, 2012). With your mental state happier and calmer it is much easier for you to eat properly and exercise. Everybody knows what they should do to lose weight, the problem is actually doing it. WBV helps you be in that calm and relaxed, but energized mental state where you can achieve your goals…. [Read More]
Increase Explosive Muscle Strength
The workout of champions: Whole body vibration (WBV) was originally developed for Olympic athletes in Russia in the 1970’s. Numerous research studies have shown that on a powerful vibration machine 10 minutes of whole body vibration = 1 hour of conventional weight training in terms of increasing explosive muscle strength, bone density, metobolic rate (weight loss), flexibility, balance and coordination. Now used by most professional sports teams and elite competitors around the world. For examples check the “Whole Body Vibration Users” section of Vibrant Health’s WBV page. Almost anybody can use WBV. It is very easy to adapt workouts to any level, in fact if you just stand on the machine, which feels like a massage, you will still be getting stronger. How WBV rapidly increases explosive muscle strength: WBV is an intensive workout. Vibration… [Read More]